What Is the Standard for Safety Gloves?

What Is the Standard for Safety Gloves?

Protective gloves play a critical role in many industrial and labour applications to protect workers' hands from potential risks. The quality and performance of these gloves are evaluated and certified through international standards.

EN 420 Standard: General Requirements for Protective Gloves

EN 420 provides guidance on the design, comfort and general requirements of protective gloves. This standard provides a basic framework for assessing the overall quality and usability of gloves. Here are the main elements of the EN 420 standard:

Having gloves in appropriate sizes increases the comfort and functionality of the users. In addition, the gloves must contain important information such as manufacturer information, dimensions, material information and usage instructions. Especially for medical gloves, hygiene requirements are covered in detail in this standard.

EN 388 Standard: Protection Against Mechanical Hazards

The EN 388 standard is used to evaluate the performance of protective gloves against mechanical hazards. This standard measures the cut, tear, puncture and abrasion resistance of gloves. Here are the main elements of the EN 388 standard:

Cut resistance is measured using a system that tests the cut resistance of gloves and is evaluated with a specific rating. Tear, puncture and abrasion resistance are also tested and rated in the same way. This standard is very important in evaluating the performance of gloves used to protect workers' hands against mechanical risks.

EN 407 Standard: Protection Against Temperature and Flames

The EN 407 standard evaluates the performance of protective gloves against heat and flames. This standard is critical for people exposed to heat or flames in industrial work. Here are the main elements of the EN 407 standard:

Temperature resistance is measured using a system that tests the gloves' resistance to heat and is evaluated with a specific rating. Flame resistance is tested and rated in the same way. This standard is used to evaluate the performance of gloves used to protect workers' hands against heat and flames.

Protective gloves play a critical role in ensuring the safety of workers in industrial work. Standards such as EN 420, EN 388 and EN 407 provide guidance for evaluating the quality and performance of these gloves. Employers and workers can increase occupational safety and protect against potential risks by choosing gloves that comply with appropriate standards.

Beybi Plastik, since its establishment in 1949; operates in the field of personal protective work safety gloves, examination gloves production and sales, sterile surgical gloves and medical consumables sales and marketing.